Sustainable Business: A greener future

29 June 2023

Sustainable enterprise with Wisman Techniek

Wisman Engineering, we are committed to sustainable business practices and take various measures to reduce our impact on the environment. Here are some of the key ways we integrate sustainability into our business practices:

Energy efficiency: We are committed to energy efficiency in all our business processes. We have invested in advanced technologies and energy-efficient systems to reduce our energy consumption. Moreover, we have installed solar panels on our premises, allowing us to use clean and renewable energy.

Circular approach: We promote a circular economy by implementing recycling programmes for materials such as metal and plastic. We aim to reduce waste and reuse valuable materials. We also encourage our customers to return obsolete products so that we can recycle them properly.

Responsible procurement: We strive to source responsibly and work with suppliers who share the same values in terms of sustainability. We pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the products we buy and give preference to suppliers committed to sustainability and ethical business practices.

Corporate social responsibility: Besides our focus on environmental sustainability, we are also committed to corporate social responsibility. We support local communities through charitable donations and involvement in social initiatives. We also encourage our employees to volunteer and contribute to society.

At Wisman Techniek, we believe that sustainable business is a continuous process of improvement and innovation. We remain committed to reducing our impact on the environment and making a positive contribution to a more sustainable future for us all.

Tieme Ernst

My name is Tieme Ernst, as general manager of Wisman Techniek I am always working to improve our products and services. Nice that you took the time to read about our latest developments!

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